… to the place where I am about to beginning my journey into becoming a published author. After many years of storytelling as a child then writing for a hobby as I got older, I have decided to pursue my dream of writing and publishing a book. Over the past twenty years, I have started businesses, reared children, and traveled. In my spare time, I have jotted down bits of stories of those experiences. Now I am going to put those bits and pieces into complete works.

After many attempts at NaNoWriMo, I am going to work on achieving a goal I have had since I was young and read Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot for the first time and that is to publish a book or maybe two or three. This blog will be a place that I share my journey along the road to creating new works and refining them before publishing. I will answer questions here, talk about things that work for me, and things that don’t. If you have advice to share, please do.

The series that I am currently working on portrays a young woman who works to find her place in the field of journalism. She encounters back-biting co-workers and an intimidating boss. Another novel that I began years ago also showcases a woman who finds adventure while traveling. This story features a bit of mystery and intrigue. I also write poetry and short stories. Recently, I finished a short story about life after Alzheimer’s for a spouse.

Are you an aspiring writer too? Feel free to comment about your experiences in the comment section below. If you have a blog, post a link there and I will check it out. I am always looking to connect with fellow writers. Here’s to a new journey!